Radiant You

Embodying the life you were born to live.

A 6-month group mentoring program for the woman who wants more for her life.

We start on the 15th April 2024

Radiant You is for the woman who is ready to clear her sabotages to smash the glass ceiling and step into her highest potential.


The woman who seeks deeper spiritual connection with her intuition and herself, so she can start living with more energy, purpose and more in alignment with who she really is in her soul.

The woman who is ready to do the inner work, peel back the layers and uncover her true potential and radiance.

Are you ready?

Perhaps you have done a lot of healing work already, but just can’t seem to smash that glass ceiling. You know that you are here for bigger and better things. Your heart and soul crave it!

This program is a combination of all that I have learnt throughout my journey. I draw on my expertise in psychology and my strong intuition to help you identify your subconscious patterns, sabotages and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back from achieving and embodying the life of your dreams.

What I have found to be the most impactful way of clearing these programs is by combining all of my different healing modalities. This program is built around the belief that we have four bodies – mental (thoughts, beliefs, stories), emotional (the range of emotions we feel or avoid), physical (anatomical body) and energetic (our vibrations and frequency in our energy field and flow of universal life force energy).

This mentorship will be a DEEP DIVE! It will be one of transformation, connection, vulnerability, authenticity and accountability.

We will deep dive into…

  • Your Human Design to get to know you better – your strengths, weaknesses, how you best make decisions, understanding your incarnation cross and how it relates to your purpose.
  • Goal setting, visualising, gaining clarity on what you want to achieve in the program and in life.
  • Identifying limiting beliefs and sabotage programs that are stopping you from reaching your true potential.
  • Clearing sabotage programs across all layers – mental, emotional, physical, energetic.
  • Understanding and embodying all four bodies – mental, emotional, physical, energetic.
  • Using kinesiology to test your strongest, weakest and priority out of the four bodies.
  • Nervous system education and tools.
  • Creating a toolbox of strategies and techniques.
  • Group workshops where topics such as psychology, nervous system healing, chakras, energy
    medicine, spirituality, alignment, purpose, intuition and somatic practices will be discussed.
  • Manifesting the life that you want – meditation, energetic support, visualisation, connecting in with your intuition.

What’s included?

  • Group program with a maximum of 8 women.
  • One day in person connection retreat (optional extra).
  • Human Design reading (90 minutes).
  • 6 x individual sessions 90 minutes (monthly) using modalities such as breathwork, psychology, kinesiology, energy medicine, light language, somatic practices and mindset coaching. These sessions will be tailored to your individual needs.
  • 6 x group sessions (2 hour video call. Recorded if can’t attend live).
  • Workbook, journal prompts, new tool / video / resource or challenge shared each week.
  • Online connection group.
  • Support as needed throughout the program.
  • Group and personal accountability.
  • Sacred group container.
  • Connection with like-minded women.

Your Investment:

I have two options for you so that you can easily join the Radiant You Mentorship program as follows:

$250 (+ gst) per week

Option to pay in full for a $500 discount – $5 500 (+gst)

If you are ready to join me or want to know more, please get in touch by filling out the form below and we will arrange a phone call.

14 + 15 =

Kind Words:

“My journey with Alisha began over 1 year ago and what a challenging yet beautiful journey it has been of self-discovery and self-awareness. When I first started working with Alisha, I was feeling stuck and knew that I was not aligning to my higher self. I was caught in the endless negative self talk of limiting beliefs and felt the heaviness of what I knew I needed to unpack to ‘unlock’ my true self and highest potential. With Alisha’s warm and gentle guidance held within the safe and secure space that she provided for me in each session, I was able to start processing my emotions and thoughts more clearly. The work that I have done with Alisha has been consistent, with fortnightly sessions, spaced occasionally to monthly as we both saw fit. Alisha’s intuition allowed her to understand me and I was able to remain vulnerable while still feeling the support that I needed to process what was coming up for me throughout that time. Alisha has helped me identify the self awareness that I have always had, and has allowed me to grow immensely over the past year. I often reflect on where I was in my life before I started working with Alisha and I am filled with gratitude for the transformative journey that has led me to my present self. I can not thank Alisha enough for the consistent support that she has provided and she truly has been the best mentor and support throughout this journey that I could have ever hoped to have crossed paths with”.

I have been fortunate enough to share my past two years with Alisha. Our relationship has been built on the foundation of togetherness, trust and courage.

I came to Alisha wanting to improve myself as mother, over time, I slowly found I had to trust, open and ground myself to become the most deserving self. She has provided me with confidence,  knowledge, and skills which I apply daily in my day to day life that not only benefit myself, but those in my life. Which to me is the greatest gift, to take my teachings and share with others.

She allowed me to develop overtime a sense of selfworth, confidence, clarity, improved physical and emotional health and a sense of wholeness as an individual mother, wife, daughter and friend.

Without Alisha as a companion through my lifes journey I know i would not have overcome challenges or achieved my personal aspirations.

I am beyond grateful to have found Alisha. Her ability to hold space at a time when you’re so vulnerable is a rare gift. The journey I have been on with Alisha has enabled me to value my worth, own my truth and live more in alignment. She has helped me work through limiting beliefs and feel confident enough to share my gifts with those around me. Xx

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with Alisha over the last couple of months on the recommendation of my naturopath. I have been on a journey of living more in alignment with what is right for me and seeing Alisha was the next piece in that puzzle. In culmination with Alisha’s razor-sharp insights, her gentle yet knowledgeable nature allowed me to trust her with ease. In my first session I was unsure of my current life trajectory and within less than hour clarity was provided, and a plan forward was set in motion. Upon finding out I was a 6/2 Reflector in Human Design; I began a deep dive into what this means for me. With Alisha’s guidance, I began to understand why my life had travelled the path it had and how the future was unfolding. An in-depth reading of my chart confirmed thoughts I already had and uncovered new information to gain a better understanding of my energy type and profile numbers. I cannot recommend enough to see Alisha and have a Human Design reading. From day-to-day tasks, relationships, and big life decisions, I now have the tools to venture out into the world with the confidence that I am living life by my own unique design. Thank you, Alisha. ❤️

About Me….

I am a soul-fueled Holistic Therapist, Mentor and Yoga Teacher. I have 16 years’ experience working in psychology and counselling. I have training in trauma therapies, EFT, energy medicine, kinesiology, reiki, human design, breathwork, sound healing and yoga.

I help individuals identify their past patterning, their current blocking beliefs and sabotages and then equip them with tools to move through these. I use energy medicine techniques to help shift these blocking beliefs and sabotages across all layers of your being.

I believe there is not one approach to wellness rather it is a weaving of eastern and western medicines, intuition, spirituality and holistic therapies from many different traditions
and modalities.

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we are supposed to be and embracing who we are.”

Brene Brown

Your Questions Answered:

When does the program start?

Monday 15th April 2024

How long does the mentorship go for?

6 months

Can the individual sessions be done online?


When will the group calls be?

The group calls will most likely be scheduled for a weeknight 5.30pm – 7.30pm. However, this will be set once the group has formed, and we find a day that might suit most. 

Will there be a portal where I can watch the replay of the videos and access program material (workbooks, journal prompts etc)?

This will all be saved to a google drive and will be updated with new material throughout the duration of the program. 

Where will the optional day retreat be held?

Toowoomba. Date to be announced once the program starts.